train by train to the climate target.
Intermodal transport not only optimizes the ecological food print, but also travels quietly.

The European Green Deal sets the direction: Climate neutrality by 2050. This is the goal for Europe, which is to be achieved in two steps: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent compared to 1990 levels by 2030 and complete climate neutrality by 2050. No easy task for freight forwarding and logistics companies with transport volumes increasing in the long term.

We make climate protection feasible for freight forwarders: after all, rail is by far the most climate-friendly mode of transport over long distances. Transport volumes and energy consumption are in an optimal relationship. Less energy consumption ultimately means fewer emissions. And because our trains are 100 percent powered by electricity outside the terminals, the proportion of CO2 and particulate matter emitted per tonne-kilometre is far lower than that of a truck in road freight transport.

In 2023 alone, Kombiverkehr customers avoided 1.2 million tons of carbon dioxide through their transports in our network.

Up to 80% less CO2

1.2 million tons less CO2 in the Kombiverkehr network 

Noise halved by LL soles

CO2 reduced.
Or completely Co2-free.

Kombiverkehr provides you with the best support for achieving your own climate targets and those of your clients! Because each of our transport offers is an offer with ecological added value. Each of your future rail transports saves the environment up to 80 percent of climate-damaging carbon dioxide. And if that's not enough for you, you can easily book your transports within Germany completely CO2-free in the de.NETeco+ network.

particularly quiet.
We can too.

Incidentally, we not only stand for climate protection, but also for sustainable environmental protection. We did something good for our environment very early on by converting our wagon fleet to a new wagon technology. Modern composite brake blocks reduce noise emissions by ten decibels, which is equivalent to halving the noise level. This means we meet today's noise emission requirements.

Do you want climate-friendly transportation?
Our intermodal experts will be happy to advise you!
Christian Lipinski
Manager Sales Management
On track for more climate-neutral logistics

Together with the logistics company DPD, Kombiverkehr has launched an exciting pilot project with the long-term goal of climate-neutral logistics.